Beauty Kits
Massage Stone
Chrystelle Lannoy Founder gemology
Our commitments : More than 20 different natural minerals
Our active ingredients from minerals
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Cleansers, Makeup RemoversTonersSerums, oilMoisturisersEyes, Lips CareScrubs, masksMassage Stone
Shower gels, soapsBody lotionsBody oilsBody scrubsHand creamShampoos, conditioners
Cleansers, SpecificsDry skinsCombination skinsSensitive skins
PerfumesAmbiance DiffusersCandles
Stone Massage
ApplicatorsReal Rose Quartz Massage
By need
Moisturize, tonifySooth, repairPurify, matifyAnti-wrinkles, radianceIlluminate, smooth
By skin type
Dry SkinsSensitive SkinsCombination SkinsDull skinAnti-Aging
All the productsCleansers, Makeup RemoversTonersSerums, oilMoisturisersEyes, Lips CareScrubs, masksMassage Stone
All the productsShower gels, soapsBody lotionsBody oilsBody scrubsHand creamShampoos, conditioners
All the productsCleansers, SpecificsDry skinsCombination skinsSensitive skins
ApplicatorsReal Rose Quartz Masage
All the productsPerfumesAmbiance DiffusersCandles
All the productsMoisturize, tonifySooth, repairPurify, matifyAnti-wrinkles, radianceIlluminate, smooth
All the productsDry SkinsSensitive SkinsCombination SkinsDull skinAnti-Aging
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